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Schülerarbeitsblatt zu Lacrosse

  1. Go to www.lacrosse.ca and answer these questions on the history of Lacrosse in Canada:
    1. What other names were used for Lacrosse by the native peoples of North America?
    2. How did the French missionary Jean-de-Brebeuf call the game he had seen Native people playing with sticks and a ball.
    3. When were the first games of Lacrosse played between townspeople and native people?
    4. Who called Lacrosse Canada's National Game in 1859?
    5. What is the Lacrosse become Canada's most important sport?
    6. How could people watch Lacrosse in August 1880 when it was beginning to get dark?
    7. Why was Lord Minto important for Lacrosse?
    8. What two kinds of ball games were mixed to create Indoor Lacrosse?
    9. Find another name for Indoor Lacrosse.
    10. When did a Canadian Lacrosse team win the first Olympic gold medal?
    11. When did the box version become the official sport of the Canadian Lacrosse Association?
    12. What four disciplines belong to the game of Lacrosse?
    13. Name one famous Canadian Prime Minister who was well known for playing Lacrosse.

  2. The rules of Lacrosse

    Go to www.bclacrosse.com and find out about the rules of Lacrosse and what the players have to wear during a match of Box Lacrosse and Men's Field Lacrosse.
    • helmets
    • a face mask
    • gloves
    • shoes
    • equipment for the goaltender

  3. Six Nations Reservation

    Use the Internet (e.g. www.bclacrosse.com) or any (electronic) encyclopaedia and work out
    • which tribes belong to the so called Six Nations
    • since when these tribes have formed an alliance
    • where they mainly live
    • what they have to do with Lacrosse
    • ...

  4. A quiz on Lacrosse

    After watching the programme about Lacrosse and working through the various tasks, try to design a quiz for another class of your school. You may ask normal questions or think of multiple choice answers like in the following example:

    Which of these native tribes do not belong to the Six Nations?
    • a) Seneca
    • b) Cherokee
    • c) Mohawk
    • d) Oneida

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